Automating the Audit Graduate Recruitment process at Deloitte


Deloitte Audit Graduate Recruitment (AGR) is a division within Deloitte which focuses on the identification, recruitment and training of graduates, termed Audit Graduates, who are studying towards obtaining a Chartered Accountant qualification, CA(SA).

A need was identified to provide an application which allows Deloitte AGR users to recruit Audit Graduates, track performance and manage graduates from the time they apply for the programme to the time they complete a training (achieve the CA(SA) status) unlike other systems which do not allow users to track graduate performance over the course of their study.

Deloitte looked to Entelect to provide an automation and workflow system to facilitate and optimise this process.

Entelect was involved in providing the initial detailed specification for the project and thereafter engaged with us to develop and implement the specified solution using Amazon Web Services. The Deloitte AGR solution will be to be used to manage, track and report the recruitment process of a graduate from the application step up to the time where a Training Contract is awarded, through the process until they are ultimately employed by Deloitte.

In order to deliver this solution we used the following tools from AWS: AWS Redshift, AWS Glue, AWS Lake formation, S3, EC2.

Our Tools

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