More ‘High Flyers’ recorded at Entelect than ever before

The Deloitte survey measures the following workplace features; Accomplishment and Growth, Values and Culture, Care and Feedback, Fairness and Integrity. Notably participation in this survey shot up to 95% which is in itself a measure of employee engagement and the value this survey holds with the company’s employees.

As in 2016, Entelect again recorded an engagement index way above the benchmark. This index measures an organisations overall employee engagement level in terms of work related behaviours and discretionary effort. In 2017, Entelect’s engagement index was recorded at 80% compared to a benchmark of 68%.

Employees are asked a series of questions pertaining to their work environments and the top scores for Entelect in 2017, voted anonymously by the employees, were:

  1. The work that I do gives me a feeling or personal accomplishment
  2. The people I work with let me know when I’ve done a good job
  3. I can identify with the values of this organisation
  4. This organisation makes an effort to retain the best people

Interestingly, some of the sentiments that moved into the top scores this year include:

  • This organisation makes a real effort to give public recognition for achievements
  • My ideas and opinions count
  • The purpose of this organisation stretches beyond profit and business success
  • My manager/immediate leader values my talents and the contribution that I make

“We’re particularly pleased with these insights,” explained Tomislav Ravic. “At Entelect, we work hard to ensure our culture and brand resonates with the values of young and dynamic software engineers. These sentiments are exactly in line with the kind of workplace people are looking for these days.”

Perhaps most outstanding though, is that the vast majority of Entelect’s employees are highly engaged and 67% of Entelect’s employees are measured to be in the High Flyers category on the engagement matrix. The benchmark is 34%. Typically, those categorised as Highly Engaged see a purpose in the work they do and feel that they matter to their organisation. They have high levels of pride in the work they do and are optimistic receptive and enthusiastic.

“This reflects the culture and heart of our organisation,” says Ravic. “Daily, our employees award ‘Kudos’ points to each other on our internal platforms in acknowledgement of a good job well done. This has created a positive culture driving purpose and achievement, and we’re really happy to see it come through in the Deloitte survey.”

Ultimately, the management team at Entelect know that these results are only possible because of the passion and effort each team member contributes every day. “Seeing such great scores across categories such as Accomplishment and Growth is because the employees themselves work hard to create a positive environment for their fellow employees.” Says Ravic.

Entelect’s company values are; Growth isn’t optional, Get things done, and Relationships and collaboration sets us apart.

“The results of this survey show us that our employees are living these values every day. This Platinum seal is testament to the culture that our employees are responsible for. This Platinum Seal goes to every member of Entelect who go above and beyond every day,” concludes Ravic.

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